Modernization Guide for Wholesale Distributors
How to thrive in the changing wholesale distribution landscape
The wholesale distribution business is changing. Brought about by online marketplaces, the digitization of the buyer journey, wide availability of real-time data and even a dash of artificial intelligence, wholesale distributors face an inflection point: Do they adjust to these rapid changes and modernize their operations, or slowly cede ground to distributors and new competitors that do embrace the wholesale distribution landscape today?
Key Challenges Disrupting Wholesale Distributors Today
Challenge #1: The End of Specialization
Challenge #2: Changing Customer Behavior
Challenge #3: New Business Models and Fresh Thinking
While there is no one right approach for meeting the modernization challenge, five key strategic priorities consistently emerge among the best-run wholesale distribution businesses right now.
Challenge #2: Changing Customer Behavior
Challenge #3: New Business Models and Fresh Thinking
While there is no one right approach for meeting the modernization challenge, five key strategic priorities consistently emerge among the best-run wholesale distribution businesses right now.